1976 - Israel
Beit Milman | Ramat Aviv
1981 - Israel
Artists Gallery | Frishman St. Tel Aviv
Galai Gallery | Gordon St. Tel Aviv South African Artists in Israel | TELFED Exhibitions
Aliza Begin Fund Exhibition | Assaf Harofe Hospital | Rehovot Merhavia Gallery - Moshav HaEmek Women in Law | Exhibition in Jewish Museum | Cape Town Fine Family Ketubah | Johannesburg and Petah Tikvah
1989 - 1990
Numerous Exhibitions throughout Israel
1991 - South Africa
Chelsea Gallery | Wynberg Art Auction | Vineyard Hotel | Newlands Icons Exhibition | Chelsea Gallery | Wynberg Chelsea Gallery | Hermanus Yom Yerushalaim Exhibition | Art at WPZO | Albow Centre
A Zanier Future | Chelsea Gallery | Wynberg A Tribute to Flowers | The Art Scene | Sea Point Gallery Exhibition | Hout Bay Gallery Art Salon No. 1 - Rose Korber | Bay Hotel | Camps Bay Art Salon No. 2 - Rose Korber | Bay Hotel | Camps Bay
Brides Exhibition | Irma Stern Gallery | Cape Town Grand Finale | The Art Scene | Sea Point Spring Colour Splash | Primart Gallery | Claremont Flowers from Friends | Natale Labia Gallery | St. James All about Eve | Chelsea Gallery | Wynberg Everything is coming up Roses | Primat Gallery | Claremont Bounties of the Sea | Craftart Gallery | Simonstown Art Salon No. 3 - Rose Korber | Bay Hotel | Camps Bay Top Contemporary Artists of South Africa | Bishopsford Gallery | Hout Bay Looking at Table Mountain | Primart Gallery | Claremont
Heritage Exhibition | Pretoria Gallery Exhibition | Pretoria Members Exhibition | Association of Arts | Cape Town Art Route exhibitions | Waterfront | Cape Town Art Salon No. 4 - Rose Korber | Bay Hotel | Camps Bay Caring - Exhibition Sheila Geffen | Primart Gallery | Claremont Eat Your Art Out | Primart Gallery | Claremont Opening | Sembach Gallery | Hout Bay Members Exhibition | Association of Arts | Cape Town Paintings Sheila Geffen | Primart at Top Restaurants Parks
Art Route at Rus en rede | Mount Nelson Hotel Sheila Geffen | Sembach Gallery | Hotel Renaissance | Hout Bay Art Salon No.5 - Rose Korber | Bay Hotel | Camps Bay
Exhibition | Quincey's Gallery | Rondebosch First Annual Exhibition | Sembach Gallery Art Salon No. 6 - Rose Korber | Bay Hotel | Camps Bay Miniatures Exhibition | Groote Constantia Gallery New Hout Bay Gallery | Hout Bay Carmel Gallery | Constantia and Claremont Jerusalem 3000 | Albow Centre | Cape Town
Artist's Diary | Groote Constantia Gallery | Cape Town
Art Salon No. 7 - Rose Korber | Bay Hotel | Camps Bay Members Exhibition | AVA | Cape Town Work on Show | New Cape Gallery | Cape Town
Wild Life | Absolute Vodka Exhibition | Association of Visual Arts (AVA) Dunkeld Exhibition | Dunkeld Gallery | Johannesburg Die Palette Gallery | Bellville Art Salon No.7 - Rose Korber | Bay Hotel | Camps Bay Two Exhibitions | Gardeners Cottage | Carol Sherwin Small Miracles Gallery | Plettenberg Bay
Small Miracles Gallery | Plettenberg Bay Open Day | At Home by Sheila Geffen | Hout Bay Art Salon No.9 - Rose Korber | Bay Hotel | Camps Bay
Colour | Absolut Vodka Exhibition | AVA
Voyeurs | Absolut Vodka Exhibition | AVA
2004 - 2009 - England
Gallery 22 | Hale Bill Clarke Gallery | Hale Synagogue | Hale
2008 - USA
Ginia Gallery | Los Angeles | United States
Paintings sold to art consultants:
San Francisco Art Exchange
Circle Gallery, San Francisco
OwlGallery, San Francisco.
The Hale Contemporary Fair, Cheshire, UK
Bowdon | Greater Manchester | UK
Talk and show of work to Art Appreciation group of U3A.
14th July
Royal Academy | London | UK
"Looking Forward to Spring" - auction for Marie Curie Fund